Thursday, March 29, 2012 0 comments

Moving forward

You know the frustration you feel when you are in line and it just is not going anywhere?  That's what we've been feeling for the last several months with the adoption.  But now the line is moving.  It's still a long line and it moves slowly, but it feels so much better now that it's moving.  The group of adoptive parents that were submitted for EP at the beginning of this month have now been approved and are now just awaiting their travel call.  They are literally packing right now!  They will be the first adoptive parents to make it to Korea for their kids this year.  Expectations are that early April the next group will be submitted for EP and the line continues to move forward.  Of course we don't know exactly where in line we are and how many people are in front of us, but I think we're on track for a trip to Korea this summer.

In other news, we think we have our day care situation worked out.  We've been on the waiting list for the day care right next to Kristi's work and they let us know yesterday that they have an opening for us starting in September!  It is called Beaver Beginnings and should adequately brain wash our child to be a beaver.  I believe I saw on the curriculum that toddlers learn OSU cheers and practice beating on toy ducks with bats! :)  Here's a link to the daycare:
Monday, March 5, 2012 1 comments

A lot of prayers answered today...

The last couple months have been hard on a lot of waiting adoptive parents as week by week, day by day, adoptions from Korea remain at a stand still.  I check the internet regularly for any good news only to find forum posts by discouraged waiting parents not knowing when they are going to see their child.

Today was different.  Today was a day of elation and encouragement as many families were given word that their child has been submitted for an emigration permit and that likely in a month they would have their travel call!  A lot of happy tears and cheers filled the message boards as one by one families received word.  What's more, it appears they are not going strictly chronological but are prioritizing older and special needs kids first.  Sometimes you wonder in all the bureaucracy if people are keeping the best interest of the kids in mind.  Well, finally there is some evidence that they are.

Our turn will come, but not for a while yet.  Meanwhile, we celebrate with those that will soon be united with their sons and daughters.
Saturday, March 3, 2012 0 comments

Happy March!

March is shaping up to be a good month as we just got a new picture of Sam!

His is now 16 months old.  One of these days we're going to get him to smile.  He's been very serious for all his pictures.

There is also good reason to believe that the adoption holdup will soon be over.  Sources say that the Korean government will start taking submissions for emigration permits early March.  Some say it will be this week!  If that is true then we're keeping our fingers crossed for a trip to Korea this summer.

Care Package #2

We're sending more stuff to Korea!  Sam will look very handsome in the clothes we have for him.  Aunt Julie gave us the "busy beaver"outfit.  She says the beaver looks like me.  Grandma Sandra got the baseball outfit and other clothes.  She also got a squirting book for the bathtub.  We got him some Gerber  puffs and squeezable fruit pouches.  I guess its what all the cool toddlers are eating these days.  Also, not pictured, is a toy telephone, another small album with pictures of us, and a letter for the foster family.

All sorts of critters roam Sam's room.
