While Sam naps I'm going to try and get this posted real quick. We are having so much fun getting to know Sam. He is so smart, inquisitive, happy, and energetic. He seems to really capture the hearts of everyone he meets. He likes to wave at people, bows, plays hard, and runs whenever he gets the chance. I can't believe how smart he is and how he is teaching us things. When we come into our room after being out he immediately takes off his shoes and if you don't do the same, he will let you know you have to take them off. He isn't potty trained but I can see it won't take him long to be. He's let us know a couple times that he needs to be changed or has to go (we're still learning his signals). One time he went and found a diaper and handed it to us.
He is adjusting really well. Better than I thought he would. He did not fuss one bit after taking him from his foster family. He took a little nap after we brought him home and then was a ball of energy after that. We took him down to a playroom at the hotel complete with ball pit and he played and laughed his heart out. He did great until bedtime. He did not want to go to bed with us. He screamed and hollered and pointed at the door. He yelled for his foster parents. This went on for about an hour before he cried himself to sleep.
He slept all night no problem and then next morning he was happy and playful all over again. We took him down to breakfast and he ate really well - he'll try just about anything. This turned into a bit of a problem though as he threw it all up on kristi's lap!
Later we took a walk around the neighborhood with Sam. He likes to watch the cars and likes to point at things and say "muoy ya?", which is basically "what is this?" in korean. We stopped at a Dunkin Donuts and his eyes lit up. I think he has been to one before because he was grabbing for the trays and tongs before we even realized you had to serve yourself.
Afterwards we walked on and visited Gwanghwamun square where there are monuments to commemorate King Sejong who invented the Korean written language and Admiral Yi Sunshin. Sam loved to run down the grassy areas between monuments. I concur with his foster dad that he's going to be a soccer player. He loves to run. If you are carrying him and then set him down, a lot of times he takes off. You really have to be quick to catch him!
Well nap is almost over, got to go!