Monday, October 1, 2012

Day 6 - Coming home

An incredibly long day as we ventured home with our new son.  It started at 6am when we woke up in Korea Saturday - that's 2pm Friday Pacific time, and ended when we hit our pillows at around midnight Saturday at home.  Thats about 34 hours with only a short nap or two on the plane!  All things considered it went pretty well.  Sam slept on the plane most of the time.  The most challenging times on the plane were when meals came.  Sam wants to try everything - especially what you are eating.  And when you are all so close together and you can't just move things away from him, spills inevitably happen.  One nice thing about the flight was that the airport in Seoul and the airport in Seattle had playrooms.  So Sam could run around and tire himself in between legs of the flight.  There were some cute moments in the playroom as he likes to flirt with the girls.  He made one girl cry because he kept trying to hug her!

When we made it into Portland, Sam got to meet his grandparents for the first time.  They were very excited to meet him.  For Kristi's parents this is their first grandkid!

After finally getting home, Sam enjoyed exploring and getting to know his new home.  He especially likes his room and all his toys!  He quickly is teaching us what things need to be put up and out of site.  He was so wound up that night that it was hard getting him to go to sleep.  He also cried for his foster family again that night especially after seeing the picture of him and his foster family in the living room.

So now the Korean adventure is over.  It was a great time.  It was really more than I could have dreamed.  We are so excited to be parenting Sam and are looking forward for him to meet all of you.  We are also very thankful for all of you that have been following us on the blog and sending us encouraging words over facebook.  We even had several gifts waiting for us when we got home.  We are so spoiled!  Thank you all.

I imagine that even though Sam is with us now, I'll still update this blog periodically.  After all there is much more story to tell.  Sam hasn't even officially been adopted yet.  Yes, there are a few more hoops to jump through still.  But they will be happy ones.  We'll see how he adjusts but I also predict a big birthday bash for him when he turns 2.  You might get to see him in his hanbok for the first time.  Then there is Halloween and trick or treating for the first time, Thanksgiving and Christmas.  Good times await.  Can't wait!


Cassadie said...

Beautiful story. Thanks for sharing this journey with us.

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