Saturday, December 24, 2011 0 comments

Christmas 크리스마스

Since Christianity is relatively new to Korea (roughly 30% of Koreans are Christian), Christmas is not as popular as it is in other parts of the world.  It definitely isn't celebrated with as much craziness as here in the states.  Christmas decorations and music don't start up until a week prior to Christmas.

Those that celebrate Christmas primarily do so as a religious holiday.  Services are held on Christmas eve and Christmas day.  Gifts are exchanged typically on Christmas eve but not the piles of presents we do here.  One present or money gift is customary.

Santa is popular, but he is called Grandpa Santa.  He wears either a red or blue suit and can be found giving out gifts at stores.  Koreans often celebrate Christmas day with a family meal at home, but just as often eat out.  A lot of Koreans eat out on Christmas with friends and then eat a big family meal at home on new years - kind of the opposite as here.

South Korea is the only East Asian country where Christmas is recognized as a national holiday.  Christmas in North Korea, by contrast, is not allowed.  Since you can go to jail for practicing Christianity or carrying a bible, any celebrating of Christmas must be done in secrecy.

Want to learn more about Christmas in Korea?  Go here:

Also, here is a cute video I found teaching about Korean holidays, including Christmas:

Merry Christmas everyone!
Tuesday, December 20, 2011 1 comments

Gift from Dad

I was excited the other day to buy something for Sam.  I think this is the first thing I've gone out and bought for him.  Most everything we have for him so far has been given by family and friends.  This one is from me!  It is going to be a little big for him until next fall when football season starts!

I think based on his stats so far, he will be a strong stocky kid.  So I'm thinking running back.  Or he could be a receiver like who he is named after....  Sammie Stroughter of the Beavers!

Sunday, December 18, 2011 0 comments

Ryo Oki RIP

We lost a member of our family last Monday.  Ryo was 9 years old - which in rabbit years is about 90.  He lived a long and spoiled life for a rabbit.  Since Kristi and I haven't been able to have children of our own, the bunnies had basically become our kids.  Ryo will be missed greatly and I'm sorry Samuel will not get to meet him.  He is survived by his little brother Mr. Blanco Boo, who doesn't seem to be sad at all of his brother's passing.  He rules the roost now!  At least until Sam comes!

Ryo Oki
February 28, 2002 - December 12, 2011

Monday, December 5, 2011 2 comments

It's a good day!

We had a bit of excitement today.  We received a new picture of Sam!  The picture shows him with his foster mom and dad with some of the gifts that we sent him.  He is wearing the sweater that our friend Althea knitted for him and is holding the picture album that we made for them (see Care Package #1 for a list of what we sent).  I cropped out the foster family since we are supposed to keep their identities confidential.  I think we may have fun trying to tame his hair.  It seems to be sticking up funny in every picture we have of him!

Along with the picture, we received another physical exam report.  It says he is walking on his own, waves bye bye, and can say umma and appa (Korean for mom and dad).  Everything in the report shows he's a pretty healthy 13 month old.

We also received more good news in the mail today.  We now have our I-600 approval.  It means that US Immigration now recognizes Sam as our soon to be adopted son and he can get a Visa to enter the country.  One more thing to check off the list!
