Wednesday, August 22, 2012 0 comments


The last few weeks have been busy as we prepare for Sam's arrival.  Here's what we've been up to:

  • Garage cleaned up and organized
  • Hallway painted (that's the last of what needed to be painted in the house)
  • Our stuff is out of Sam's room - it's totally his room now
  • Kristi found a used wooden high chair sitting on a sidewalk downtown that someone was trying to give away.  She took it, stripped it down, sanded and painted it.  It looks great.  It's sitting in our dining room now.
  • IKEA trip produced some more things for Sam's room including a table and chairs and toy storage bins.
  • Studying Korean phrases to get us by in Korea, like 불고기 주세요!  - Please give me Korean BBQ!

There's still lots more to do, but it's fun to finally get to this point where we are preparing in earnest!

No news from Holt since the last post I made.  But at this point that is good - that means there were no problems with the Visa physical.  We likely won't hear any more news from Holt until the travel call comes which we've been told could be as early as the first week of September!

Thursday, August 9, 2012 1 comments

Relationship Terms in Korean

During the wait for Sam, I've been studying the Korean language quite a bit.  We are blessed to have many Korean-Americans in our community and at our church that have taken the time to teach us many things about Korean culture, food, and the language.  Here is something that I have learned that I'd like to share.  If you are family, then pay special attention.  This if for you!

I'm going to teach you what your relationship is to Sam in Korean.

                                                                    Chuck                                         Mary
                                              Grandpa - Weh Harabeoji         Grandma - Weh Halmoni 
                                                                            \                                           /
                                                                                           Kristi                                 Aaron         -            Katrina
                                                                                   Mom - Omma             Uncle - Emobu        Aunt - Emo

                                                                Roger                                       Sandra
                                                  Grandpa - Harabeoji            Grandma - Halmoni
                                                                        \                                            /
                                              Steve                                 Corey                          Reagan         -           Julie
                                  Uncle - Samchon              Dad - Appa           Uncle - Gomobu      Aunt - Gomo

                                                                                  Kelsey & Natalia
                                                                                  Cousin - Sachon

You will notice that there is a different name for each relationship.  There are different names depending on whether you are on the paternal or maternal side, or whether you are an in-law.  If you think about it, English is a lot more obscure.  When you say Uncle, it could be your dad's brother, your mom's brother, your grandma's brother, etc.  In Korean, there are particular names for each of these relationships.

So those were the names Samuel would call you.  How about what you call him?

Son - Adeul
Grandson - Sonja
Nephew - Joka
Cousin - Sachon

You can also call him chak ha da, which is "good boy".

For more information on relationship terms in Korean go here:

Wednesday, August 1, 2012 2 comments

EP Approved!!

We are cooking now.  The Korean Ministry of Health and Welfare has approved Sam for the emigration permit!  This happened yesterday, we were notified today.  Again a bit of a surprise that the approval came so quickly, but we'll take it.  Hopefully this pace keeps up!

Holt says that it is still difficult to say when travel will be since there are so many people being processed right now, but that it would likely be September - November.  It took me a little bit to realize that September is just a month away.  We need to be ready in a month!  So my joy has been dulled a bit by anxiety.  There is still quite a bit that needs to be done with the bedroom.  There are several things to buy - like a car seat, a dresser, more clothes.  We don't have any shoes or socks for him.  Is that important?  We've been holding off on getting things for so long because of the seemingly unending delays that it's kind of hard to get it in gear and realize that we're going to have to take care of a little boy soon.

Now what happens from here?  I'm still figuring this out, but a lot of things will be happening behind the scenes and we don't get notification about a lot of it.  He should be getting his visa physical tomorrow.  If that goes well, then his paperwork is sent to the visa worker where they finish collecting the final documents to submit into the US embassy for the travel visa.  It sounds like this takes about 2 weeks.  After this, the foster family has to take Sam to the embassy for a visa interview.  After the travel visa is issued then it's all about preparations for travel.  I'm told when the travel call comes we'll be on a plane in about a week!

I'll post when we learn anything more about the visa status.  Until then, we got some work to do!